We’ve Kicked Things Off Again
<- Back to blog | Posted on 12 September 2016 by Adam Summerton
After a year of only really having time to work on Game Jams, we're all in a position to spend a bit more time on game dev again. We've decided on 4 projects to work on, and are going to see if we can get one of them polished enough to run a Greenlight campaign. Doing gamedev only in your spare time means that things happen reaaaally slowly, but hopefully we'll get there in the end. I'll be aiming to post something on Twitter every Saturday, and if time allows then maybe a blog update every Wednesday.
Here is the first screenshot for you, the lighthouse from the home area of our upcoming ocean exploration game (which will be a much fancier remake of our Ludum Dare game 'From the Sea, Freedom').
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