Kitsuni Created for Ludum Dare
Posted on 29 April 2014 by Adam Summerton
Yesterday we just finished our 6th Ludum Dare game, Kitsuni. Our aims this time were to do something slightly different, so we set ourselves some goals: interpret the theme in an off-beat way, no guns, no weapons, no health, no immediate dangers. This led us towards a goal of trying to create something with a nice mood to it, something that would be a nice environment to explore.
The theme arrived ,and it was 'Beneath the Surface', which immediately made us think of mining games and...
Tags: Ludum Dare
Philosophical Musings on the New Website
Posted on 25 April 2014 by Adam Summerton
So the new website is set up, and I'm actually really pleased with the results. It at least has a style now, I think before it looked like someone had randomly thrown all the elements together in a panic. Which is in fact an entirely accurate description of my initial attempts at it.
While I was designing the new layout, I ended up having an internal discussion with myself about why I wanted to have a website at all; why have Twitter and Soundcloud and all that? What do I want out of it?...
The New Blog Exists!
Posted on 14 April 2014 by Adam Summerton
Hello probably nobody! Setting up this blog as part of a concerted effort to do more game development, not managed anything outside Ludum Dare for a while and I want to change that. Even if nobody reads it I still may find it helpful to write some thoughts down. Let's see how it goes.